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Rodger Fleming
Aug 26, 20241 min read
Why is compression therapy good for you?
Compression therapy is good for you because it helps stimulate lymphatic system, nervous system, circulatory system in the body part....
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Rodger Fleming
Aug 19, 20241 min read
What are some benefits of the anti -gravity treadmill?
Benefits of the Altra G anti -gravity treadmill are plentiful. They range from reintroduction of early gait training, walking, people who...
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Rodger Fleming
Aug 12, 20241 min read
How often should you do compression therapy?
You can use compression therapy as many times as you would like during the course of a week, if we're working with a week. Most once or...
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Rodger Fleming
Aug 5, 20241 min read
How long does compression therapy take to work
Studies show that efficacy of compression therapy has been shown as little as 10 to 12 minutes. Also, compression therapy has been shown...
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Rodger Fleming
Jul 29, 20241 min read
Does vibration therapy help with joint pain
Vibration therapy has been shown to help with joint pain relief due to it helping getting fluid into the joint itself and desensitizing...
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Rodger Fleming
Jul 22, 20241 min read
Does vibration therapy help with inflammation
Vibration therapy has been shown to help with inflammatory responses in the body because of the stimulation of the lymphatic system as...
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Rodger Fleming
Jul 15, 20241 min read
Does Vibration Therapy help with Arthritis
When we're talking about vibration therapy specifically for, say, arthritis, it helps because how the inflammatory response occurs. It...
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Rodger Fleming
Jul 9, 20241 min read
Does compression therapy release toxins?
Compression therapy does not release toxins. What it do is activate the lymphatic system that moves fluid in and out. The body, that's a,...
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Rodger Fleming
Jul 1, 20241 min read
Does compression therapy help with inflammation?
Compression therapy certainly helps with inflammation as it helps by virtue of stimulating the lymphatic system and the nervous system to...
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Rodger Fleming
Jun 24, 20241 min read
What is vibration therapy good for?
Vibration therapy, so there are two separate types of vibration therapy. There's linear vibration and oscillating vibration. Both of them...
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Rodger Fleming
Jun 19, 20241 min read
Does Cryotherapy Improve My Skin?
Cryotherapy has shown to improve skin conditions. The introduction of that extreme cold into the tissue stimulates collagen production...
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Rodger Fleming
Jun 11, 20241 min read
When is cryotherapy most effective?
My belief is that cryotherapy is most effective as the person needs it. And it depends on a personal situation, whether they're in...
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Rodger Fleming
Jun 5, 20241 min read
Does cryotherapy help you heal faster?
Cryotherapy has been shown to help you heal or help facilitate healing in a much faster rate by virtue of stimulating circulatory...
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Rodger Fleming
May 28, 20241 min read
Does cryotherapy boosts energy?
Cryotherapy certainly helps boost the energy of a person. It stimulates oxygenated blood flow through the body. Again, it helps stimulate...
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Rodger Fleming
Mar 3, 20222 min read
What are the benefits of cryotherapy?
Cryotherapy treats a wide range of bodily issues from muscle, skin, and energy and mood problems. Forms of cold therapy has been around...
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Rodger Fleming
Feb 1, 20221 min read
Recovery: A time for restoration and growth
Recovery is a concept that can be approached in many ways.
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Rodger Fleming
Jan 20, 20221 min read
Compression Therapy
Body Awareness' compression therapy allows athletes to recover more quickly with compression wear designed specifically for wear during...
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